Job Description
Latest Sindh Institute of Child Health & Nenatology SICHN jobs advertisement of December 2022 announced vacant positions of facilities manager, assistant software engineer, lab technician, pharmacy store keeper, porter, phlebotomist, it assistant, assistant manager opd services, medical officer, pharmacist, lab assistant, janitor, human resource assistant, infection control nurse, respiratory therapist, emg technician, receptionist, radiographer, auxiliary nurse, security incharge, hr assistant, human resource officer, dispenser, security guard, eeg technician, trainee pharmacist, general manager operations, supply chain manager, general store keeper, registrar, opd assistant, facilities assistant, software engineer, laboratory manager, research associate, general manager, staff nurse, consultant clinical affairs, echocardiographer, ecg technician, assistant manager hr, sonologist, hr officer, security supervisor, administrative officer, research specialist and consultant for Karachi etc. as published in Kawish newspaper. Sindh Institute of Child Health & Nenatology SICHN Government jobs in Education/Training, Management and others are available in Karachi Sindh Pakistan on Full Time/Permanent basis. Work Shift is First Shift Day. Job seekers with education like Bachelor, Master, Intermediate and MBBS MBBS/D Pharm/BDS etc. can apply for these Experienced Non-Manager and other level positions.