Job Description
Sandeman Provincial Hospital jobs has announced its schedule for Test and Interview for the posts of Lab Technician, Cathe Lab Techncian, Cardiac Technician, Mechanical Technician, Lab Technologist, CT Scan Technician, MRI Technician, Electro Medical Technician, Electronic Technician, Radiographer, Audiology Technician, ICU Technician, Oxygen Plant Operator, Merchary Assistant, Anesthesia Technician, Homo Dialysis Technician, Ward Master, Dental Technician, OT Technician, OT Assistant, Dispenser, Lab Assistant, Coolie, Khakroob, Moazzan, Plumber, Naib Qasid, Mali, Bearer, Ward Boy, Nursing Orderly. The candidates should reach on time on the given dates.