Latest Jobs In Jamshoro
We found 18 jobs in Jamshoro
Discover the latest and verified jobs in Jamshoro 2025. Jamshoro offers great job opportunities to the locals as well as outsiders. is updated daily with up-to-date government and private jobs from all the cities of Pakistan to ensure that you never miss out on a golden opportunity.
Vacancies Available at Liaquat University of Medic...
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences July 2023 Jamshoro job advertisement in Kawish newspaper announces accounts cum office assistant, project manager, engineer, assistant project...
Vacancies Available at Liaquat University of Medic...
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences July 2023 Jamshoro job advertisement in Kawish newspaper announces accounts cum office assistant, project manager, engineer, assistant project...
Career Opportunity at Liaquat University of Medica...
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences July 2023 Jamshoro job advertisement in Jang newspaper announces engineer, project manager, assistant project manager, sub engineer civil and...
Employment Opportunity at Liaquat University of Me...
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences
As per latest Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences jobs July 2023 Jamshoro advertisement in Dawn newspaper, assistant project manager, account cum office assistant, project manage...
Provincial Disaster Management Authority PDMA Jobs...
Provincial Disaster Management Authority PDMA
Provincial Disaster Management Authority PDMA July 2023 Jamshoro job advertisement in Other newspaper announces storekeeper and account assistant vacant posts. Provincial Disaster Management...
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences LU...
Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences
As per latest Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences jobs June 2023 Jamshoro advertisement in Dawn newspaper, Assistant Professor Ent, Assistant Professor Anaesthesiology, Associate...
Interview for Jobs at Office of the Executive Engi...
Office of the Executive Engineer Small Dams Division
Office of the Executive Engineer Small Dams Division May 2023 Jamshoro job advertisement in Jang newspaper announces electrician, guage reader, darogha, sanitary worker, driver, baildar, cho...
Notice for Interview at Office of the Executive En...
Office of the Executive Engineer Small Dams Division
Office of the Executive Engineer Small Dams Division May 2023 Jamshoro job advertisement in Kawish newspaper announces driver, sub darogha, darogha, guage reader, baildar, sanitary worker, e...
Advertisement for Job Interview at Office of the E...
Office of the Executive Engineer Small Dams Division
Latest Office of the Executive Engineer Small Dams Division jobs advertisement of May 2023 announced vacant positions of driver, chowkidar, electrician, sanitary worker, gauge reader, sub da...