Latest Jobs In Kohistan
We found 4 jobs in Kohistan
Discover the latest and verified jobs in Kohistan 2025. Kohistan offers great job opportunities to the locals as well as outsiders. is updated daily with up-to-date government and private jobs from all the cities of Pakistan to ensure that you never miss out on a golden opportunity.
Job Opportunity at National Integrated Development...
National Integrated Development Association NIDA
National Integrated Development Association NIDA September 2023 Kohistan job advertisement in Mashriq newspaper announces community mobilization officer vacant posts. National Integrated Dev...
Latest Jobs at China Gansu International Corporati...
China Gansu International Corporation for Economic CGICOP
Latest China Gansu International Corporation for Economic CGICOP jobs advertisement of June 2023 announced vacant positions of supervisor for Kohistan etc. as published in Jang newspaper. Jo...
Staff Needed at China Gansu International Corporat...
China Gansu International Corporation for Economic CGICOP
New China Gansu International Corporation for Economic CGICOP jobs 2023 Kohistan has been announced today for Kohistan etc. including supervisor as per Mashriq newspaper. China Gansu Interna...
Elementary & Secondary Education Department ESED C...
Elementary and Secondary Education Department
New Elementary and Secondary Education Department jobs 2023 Kohistan has been announced today for Kohistan etc. including naib qasid, sweeper and chowkidar as per Mashriq newspaper. Job seek...